A polyp is a fleshy growth of cells that develops on the inner lining of the colon or rectum.  These are largely asymptomatic (therefore producing no noticeable signs or symptoms), which means that the majority of patients are completely unaware of their presence.  Screening is often the only way in which these polyps can be identified and treated.

Why Do I need To Be Screened For Colon Polyps?
As polyps will normally produce no symptoms, you will not be aware of their presence.  Screening is the only way in which polyps can be found, therefore it is important for you to attend the screening process if you are invited to do so.

Polyps are not considered to be dangerous, so you may be wondering what all the fuss is about.  While the polyps themselves are highly unlikely to cause you any problems, they can, over time, develop into tumors.  These will also normally remain asymptomatic until you have reached a late stage of the disease.  This is referred to as colon cancer, and it is can be fatal if identified late.

Polyp screening enables these growths to be removed before they have reached the cancerous stage, which can greatly reduce your risk of developing colon cancer in the future.  For this reason, attending any screening appointments is vitally important.

Colon Polyps - Methods of Screening for the Presence of Polyps
There are several methods of screening for the presence of polyps, with the most commonly used (and most reliable) of these being a colonoscopy.  If you are being sent for bowel screening to identify colon polyps, then it may be done using either x-rays to create an on-screen image, or by inserting a camera and viewing the inside of the colon.  Whichever method is used, you will need to follow a restricted diet and use laxatives before the procedure to ensure that the colon and bowel are adequately cleansed.

  • A flexible sigmoidoscopy looks at the last section of the colon, which is where over half of all polyps and tumors are found.  A flexible tube is inserted, which allows the doctor to look at the inside lining of the colon.  The procedure is done without sedation and can be uncomfortable, but is low risk and highly accurate for identifying polyps in this region of the bowel.  If any polyps are found, you will need a colonoscopy procedure so that they can be removed.  It is limited only to the last portion of the colon and rectum and therefore, polyps proximal to the reach of the scope can be missed.

  • Colonoscopy is the most commonly used method of screening for polyps, and involves inserting a tube that is attached to a camera.  Using this, the doctor can view the rectum and the entire colon.  If polyps are found during this procedure, then either a biopsy (tissue sample) can be taken, or the entire polyp could be removed.  Colonoscopy is a low risk procedure, but there is a slight possibility of the colon wall being perforated or a hemorrhage developing.  You will normally be given a sedative to help you to relax during the procedure.  It is considered the gold standard for polyp identification.

  • Computerised tomographic colonography (CTC) is a modern method of screening the colon for the presence of polyps.  It uses x-rays to create a computer image of the colon, without involving any kind of invasive procedure.  The large intestine must be empty of stool, just like for the other procedures, but this will help to make colon screening safer and much quicker.  It does not require sedation, but also does not allow tissue samples to be taken during the procedure.  Though the x-rays used are highly sensitive, this method is currently not as reliable as a colonoscopy, as it is possible for polyps to be missed.  If a lesion is identified, then a colonoscopy will be required.  At this time, most insurance companies do not cover the cost of CTC.

  • Air contrast barium enema is a test in which air and barium (a contrast agent) is instilled into the rectum and colon and plain abdominal x-rays are obtained to look for any irregularities in the lining of the colon which may indicate the presence of polyps.  Once again, the colon needs to be adequately cleansed prior to the procedure.  The procedure is safe but may be associated with some discomfort from distension of the bowel as no sedation is typically given.  Once again, small lesions may be missed and if a lesion is identified, a colonoscopy will be required.

It is very important to get screened if you believe you are over 50 years of age, or experiencing any symptoms such as bleeding, pain, weight loss, or change in stool caliber or if there is a family history of colon or rectal polyps or cancer.  Getting screened early will greatly reduce your risk of developing colon cancer in the future.  Colon cancer, if not discovered until the later stages, is usually fatal.  However, early screening programs are able to remove polyps before they turn cancerous, preventing the onset of this disease.  Even if cancer is found, early detection of colon cancer is also associated with high cure rates.

Contact A Colorectal Surgeon Immediately To Seek Colon Polyp Treatment
If you are invited for screening, then attending it will enable any polyps that are present to be identified and removed at a very early stage of their development.  For this reason, it is best to contact your Los Angeles colorectal surgeon to find out what options are available.  He or she will educate you on the screening process and provide enough guidance for you to make an informed decision.
Colon polyps are small growths that occur on the lining of the colon or rectum (which are sometimes jointly referred to as the large bowel or large intestine)..  Polyps are an extremely common condition, and affect a considerable proportion of adults, many of whom may be completely unaware of the presence of the polyps.

A polyp, whether located in the colon or the rectum, is simply a small, fleshy-looking lump of cells.  The vast majority are completely harmless, and do not cause any noticeable symptoms.  Occasionally, however, they can become cancerous.

Are Your at Risk of Developing Colon Polyps?
It is possible for anyone to develop colon polyps.  However, there are certain groups of people who are at higher risk of the condition, and as a result, screening programs are in place to identify high risk individuals and check for the development of colon polyps.  It is important to participate in the screening program if you are asked to do so, because polyps that are identified at an early stage in their development can be safely removed, leaving no trace of the growth behind.  This can help to prevent the onset of bowel cancer in the future.  Bowel or colon cancer, if  identified in  the later stages, is usually fatal.  Conversely, if identified early, colon cancer is highly treatable.

If you are aged over fifty, or have a family history of the polyps or colon cancer, then you are at a greater risk of developing colon polyps.  Other risk factors include:

  • Inflammatory conditions that affect the digestive tract.  If you have a condition such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, then you are more likely to develop polyps.
  • Being overweight or obese is a risk factor for many types of cancer, including colon cancer.  The development of polyps is usually the first indication that colon cancer is a possibility.  
  • Being inactive increases your risk of developing polyps and colon cancer.  This is because fecal matter can sometimes contain chemicals that promote the onset of colon cancer.  Being inactive slows down the progression of material through the digestive tract, meaning that these substances stay in contact with the lining of the bowel for a longer period of time.  This increases the exposure of the bowel lining to these substances and increases the likelihood of a polyp forming.
  • Smoking cigarettes may  increase the chance of colon polyps developing.  
  • Excessive alcohol consumption may increase the chance of colon polyps developing. 
  • Family history plays a significant role in the risk of developing colon polyps.  If a close relative has the condition, then you are at a greater risk.  This can be for genetic reasons, but that is not always the case.  Family members are likely to be exposed to the same levels of carcinogens, which creates a similar level of risk for all people living in the same environment.

There are some inherited forms of the condition, and some of these can lead to colon cancer at a very early age.  Genetic testing can help to identify whether you are at risk of any of these conditions.

What Can be Done to Prevent Colon Polyps?
Preventing the onset of colon polyps can be done by making some simple changes to your diet and lifestyle, which will greatly reduce your risk.  This is often easier than undergoing treatment to remove any polyps which have developed.

  • Increase the amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet.  These contain high levels of fiber, particularly if you also eat the skin.  Fibre is needed to ensure that material moves through the digestive tract correctly.  These also contain high levels of antioxidants, which are thought to help prevent cancer.
  • Reduce your intake of fatty foods.  Saturated fats, such as those found in red meat and processed foods, can increase your risk of developing colon polyps.
  • Calcium has been shown to provide protection against polyps and tumors in the colon.  Increasing your calcium intake can therefore reduce your risk considerably.  Increasing your intake of vitamin D, which helps your body to absorb calcium, will also be beneficial.
  • Keep active, and keep your weight at a healthy level.  These will help to reduce your risk of cancer considerably, as being overweight is a risk factor for many different types of cancer, not just that of the bowel.  Being active also ensures that material moves properly through the digestive tract, which reduces the risk of colon cancer and polyps.

What To Do Next – Call A Colorectal Specialist to Get Specific Advice About Your Condition.
If you feel as though you are in one of the high risk groups for colon cancer, then you should book an appointment with your doctor or a specialist such as a  colorectal surgeon.  You should also do this if you have developed any unusual digestive symptoms.  This will allow you to find the information you need in order to make an informed decision about your treatment.
Colon polyps are generally asymptomatic (meaning that they don’t produce any noticeable symptoms), so how are you supposed to know whether you have them or not?  The way in which the majority of people discover that they have developed colon polyps is during a screening procedure, such as a colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy.

High Risk Individuals for Colon Polyps
Screening for polyps within the colon will be carried out if you have experienced any symptoms, or if you have been identified as being in a high risk category.  High risk groups of people include those with a family history of the condition, people who are overweight or obese, eat a high fat diet, and do not exercise regularly.  Age is also a risk factor, with colon polyps being most common in people who are over the age of fifty.  If you have an inflammatory bowel condition, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, then you are also more likely to develop polyps than people who do not have these conditions.

What Do Typical Symptoms of Colon Polyps Look Like?
Even if you don’t fit into any of the categories above, it is still possible that you could have colon polyps, and you may notice some symptoms.  The most likely indications that you may have colon polyps include:

  • Bleeding from the rectum.  After a bowel movement, you may notice bright red blood, probably on the toilet paper, or perhaps in the toilet bowl.  Rectal bleeding can be an indication of a polyp (or a polyp that has developed into a cancerous tumour), but this is not the only cause.  Bleeding such as this can also suggest the presence of an anal fissure (a tear) or hemorrhoids.  Speak to your doctor if you are experiencing this symptom.
  • Blood in the stool.  Blood may be visible as red lines running through the stool, or it may result in a black appearance.  However, a change in color is not always a sign that something is wrong, as some foods and medications can have the same effect.  Iron supplements will often make the stool black, while eating a lot of beets can lead to a red appearance.
  • Changes in bowel habits.  This can result from any number of health problems, but if the diarrhea or constipation lasts for longer than a week, it is possible that you have developed a polyp.

Occasionally, polyps in the colon may lead to the onset of abdominal pain, but as this can be caused by an extremely wide range of conditions, it does not necessarily mean that a polyp is present.  With large polyps, there may be some mucus in the stool, in addition to blood.  Again, polyps are not the only cause of this, so if you experience any of these symptoms, you should speak to your doctor.  If a very large polyp has developed, then it may lead to an obstruction in the bowel, preventing food from passing through normally.  This is likely to lead to abdominal pain and muscle cramps.  Constipation will generally occur, as the fecal material will be unable to move past the obstructing polyp.  Nausea and vomiting may occur in severe cases.

What Can Be Done About Colon Polyps?
Colon polyps can be removed during a procedure known as a colonoscopy.  This is a quick, simple procedure and is generally considered to be painless.  The polyps will normally be removed using a process called snaring.  This involves slipping a loop of wire over the polyp and tightening it, so that it slices through the stalk attaching the polyp to the lining of the colon.  This also cauterises the stalk to prevent any further bleeding.

Once a polyp has been removed, it cannot grow back.  It is possible for further polyps to develop in the surrounding areas, but recurrence in the same place does not occur.  This means that once the polyp has been removed, it cannot become cancerous and will not increase your risk of developing tumors.

Contact Your Los Angeles Colorectal Surgeon to Get an Expert Opinion
Your Los Angeles colorectal surgeon, also referred to as a proctologist, should be contacted if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.  They will be able to provide you with all of the information you need in order to be able to make an informed decision about the treatments available and whether you are happy to proceed with screening or polyp removal.  Most likely, you will be referred initially for bowel screening, but booking an appointment is the first step in eradicating the problem of colon polyps.
A polyp in the colon is a fleshy lump of cells, which can develop on the inner lining of the colon or rectum.  They are not normally dangerous, and the majority of adults who have polyps will be completely unaware that they even exist.  Polyps in the colon will not normally cause any noticeable symptoms.

So, you may be wondering why you need to be concerned about colon polyps if they don’t produce symptoms of any kind and are not dangerous.  However, colon polyps may, on rare occasions, develop into tumors.  If this occurs, and bowel cancer is present, then this can be very difficult to treat, and many cases of bowel cancer are fatal.

If the polyps are identified and removed at an early stage before they begin to turn cancerous, then cancer can be circumvented.

How Can I Help to Prevent Polyps From Developing?
It is often easier to prevent a disease from developing than treat it once the onset has begun, and colon polyps are no exception.  There are several steps you can take to help prevent the development of colon polyps, which will greatly reduce your risk of more serious conditions, such as bowel cancer, in the future.

        •        Ensure you have enough calcium in your diet.  Calcium is known to help protect against colon polyps, so make sure that you include plenty of dairy products (low fat, to avoid weight gain) in your diet, along with salmon and broccoli, all of which contain high levels of calcium.  Calcium is absorbed much more easily when you have vitamin D – this can be found in egg yolk, fish and some fortified milk.  However, vitamin D is also produced in your body as a result of exposure to sunlight.  Vitamin D and calcium can both be obtained as supplements, which you should consider taking if you don’t eat dairy products and tend to stay out of the sun.

        •        Include plenty of fiber in your diet.  Fruit, vegetables and wholegrain foods are all high in fiber, which helps to keep material moving properly through your digestive system.  Slow movement of food through the digestive tract can increase your risk of polyps developing.  It is recommended that you eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day in order to help maintain your health.

        •        Reduce the amount of fat in your diet.  Some types of fat (mainly saturated fat) can increase your risk of developing polyps in the colon.  Red meats and many processed foods contain high levels of saturated fat, so your intake of these should be restricted.  However, you don’t need to cut them out entirely.

        •        Staying physically active is a method of reducing the risk of colon polyps that you may not have expected.  Physical exercise will help you to maintain a healthy body weight, as being overweight or obese is a risk factor for polyps, but also encourages the movement of food through the digestive system.  Thirty minutes of exercise should be carried out five times a week, as a minimum requirement.

        •        Stop smoking, and cut down on the amount of alcohol you drink.  Moderate or heavy alcohol intake significantly increases your risk of colon cancer by encouraging the development of polyps.  Smoking increases the risk of a wide range of conditions, so you should speak to your doctor if you need help and advice about how to quit.

What if I already have polyps?
If you already have colon polyps, then these can be removed quickly and easily, putting your mind at ease.  If polyps are discovered, then these can be removed during a colonoscopy.  If they were discovered during a different type of screening procedure, then you will probably need a colonoscopy.

If polyps are being removed during colonoscopy, then the usual method is to use a snare or a biopsy forceps.  A snare is a wire loop that can be slipped over the polyp to cut and cauterize it to prevent bleeding.

If the polyps are too large to be removed using a snare, then they will be removed surgically instead.  This will usually involve a laparoscopic procedure.  A laparoscopic procedure involves making small incisions in the abdomen for instruments and for a camera which is used to display the colon on a monitor.  This type of procedure results in a shorter recovery time than traditional open surgery.

Get Screened Today - Call Your Los Angeles Colorectal Physician
It is important to be screened for colorectal cancer.  Screening enables polyps to be identified and removed before they turn cancerous, preventing the onset of bowel cancer.  It is highly recommended that you contact your Los Angeles colorectal surgeon to get screened for colon polyps.

Los Angeles colonoscopy is a medical procedure where special equipment is used for a doctor to look inside a patient's colon. This procedure may be done simply to check the condition of the colon, or to take a few cells so they could be examined for malignancy.

A doctor will often advise that this procedure be performed on a patient who is reporting gastrointestinal problems. For patients who are above 50 years old, doctors will usually recommend a colonoscopy to be performed yearly. This procedure can be done in minutes in a clinic, and does not need a patient to be admitted to the hospital. However, one will be given instructions as to how he may prepare for the procedure to be performed. The preparation will mostly involve clearing the intestines so the doctor can make a good visual assessment of the colon.

The patient will be prevented from eating or drinking anything within 24 hours immediately preceding the procedure, and will also be made to take laxatives. Patients are expected to follow all instructions for preparation, as not doing so can reduce the accuracy of examination results.

When you are looking for a good Beverly hills proctologist to evaluate and diagnose your anal and rectum problem there are lot of this kind of doctor that you can choose from. However, if you are not that expert in choosing the right one, you need to set your considerations first before you go to a clinic. 

One of the things that you need to make sure is the credibility of the doctor and the clinic itself. The doctor should be licensed; you need to be sure that he is a member of an association for doctors. The clinic should also be reliable and credited by the Better Business Bureau. 

The agency will be able to give you information about the clinic. You also have to be sure that your proctologist is also professional and will also have the right diagnosis of your problem and you will give you the best advice for your problem.
Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers that affect people today. For you to make sure that you avoid this kind of illness, you need to make sure that you go to Beverly hills colonoscopy for your diagnosis most especially for people above 50. 

There are no definite symptoms of this illness but in the later stage stomachache, stool with blood and weight loss are just some of the symptoms. This cancer is preventable through healthy diet. Eating healthy foods that are rich in fiber is one of the best solution and prevention to this illness. You should also maintain a balance weight for your age. 

You should also seek advice from doctors most especially if there are people in the family who died with cancer. Genetics plays an important role in colon cancer so you need to consider genetic counseling as well. These are very important for prevention and early detection of this sickness.
When you are diagnosed with colon cancer it does not meant that it is the end of the world and you will not do anything to combat your illness. 

There are a lot of things that you can do for you to fight your sickness and the best way for you to do it is to seek support from Los Angeles colon cancer. When you know that there are people who can help you to get yourself better and to do not think about your illness. 

You should also listen to your doctor because they know what is best for you. You can choose to live healthier and you can also make sure that you do some treatment to try to cure your condition. It is important that you know what you need to know by doing your own little research. It is good that your family supports you as well.


    A colon polyp is a growth on the surface of the colon, also called the large intestine. Sometimes a person can have more than one colon polyp.
    This blog is dedicated to colon polyps education and not a replacement for medical advice - please consult a surgeon about your colorectal health.

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